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Frequently Asked Questions

Who must report?

Are all University personnel required to report all crimes to the Illinois State University Police Department?

In general, maintaining the safety and security of Illinois State University is the responsibility of all members of the University community.

  • University policy 5.2.1 requires all personnel to notify the Illinois State University Police Department of crimes in progress (that is, crimes which are occurring at the same time you are notifying the police,) emergencies, and other crimes. Reporting Processes are available on the University Policy website.
  • All University personnel are mandated reporters under the Abused and Neglected Child Reporting Act and are required to contact the Illinois Department of Children & Family Service Hotline (1-800-25ABUSE (800-252-2873)) AND contact the Illinois State University Police when they have reasonable suspicion of suspected child abuse or neglect of a minor.
  • Responsible Employees must report specific crimes (a list is available at: X) by contacting the Illinois State University Police or by completing a Public Incident Report Form available at the Campus Safety & Security Website.
Who are Required Reporting Parties?

Beyond the obligation for all University personnel to report suspected child abuse and neglect, a more defined group of Responsible Employees are required to report other reportable crimes/incidents. Responsible Employees (“REs”) are Universitypersonnel with significant responsibility for student and campus activities OR University personnel responsible for campus security. REs include but may not be limited to:

  • Deans, Directors, Department Heads, Supervisors.
  • Athletic staff including coaches, trainers, staff, and Study Center staff.
  • Dean of Students Office Staff
  • Campus Recreation Staff
  • Faculty & Academic Advisers
  • RSO Advisers
  • University Housing Staff
  • Human Resources Staff
  • Student Health Services Staff
  • Lab School Staff
  • Illinois State University Police, Student Night Patrols, Additional Security Staff
  • Facility security staff such as employees that monitor access into campus buildings or parking facilities (e.g. Night Operations, Parking Staff).

REs must report crimes/incidents by completing a Public Incident Report Form or by contacting Illinois State University Police at (309) 438-8631. If you are unsure whether or not you are a Responsible Employee, contact Illinois State University Police at (309) 438-8631.

When to report

How promptly must a report be filed?

We rely on University personnel to use their good judgment in filing timely reports.

  • In an emergency situation or if someone is at imminent risk of harm or injury, call 911.
  • As a mandated reporter, you must contact DCFS immediately if you have reasonable suspicion a child is a victim of abuse or neglect.
  • In non-emergency situations complete the Public Incident Reporting Form or contact University Police at (309) 438-8631 promptly.

How to report

If I dial 911 in an emergency, am I still required to complete the Public Incident Reporting Form?


If I already filed a written report with a University office, am I still required to report?

Not if the written report was filed with one of the following University offices: Illinois State University Police, Office of Equal Opportunity Ethics and Access, Student Conduct & Community Responsibilities, Student Health, or Housing.

If a victim or witness already filed a report with another University department (Office of Equal Opportunity Ethics and Access, Student Conduct & Community Responsibilities, Student Health, Housing, etc.), do I need to file a report?


What to report

What is a reportable crime or incident?

Reportable crimes/incidents include:

  • Murder and/or manslaughter
  • Sex offenses including abuse, assault, misconduct
  • Robbery
  • Aggravated assault
  • Burglary
  • Motor vehicle theft
  • Arson
  • All hate crimes involving bodily injury
  • All liquor, drug and weapons violations resulting in an arrest
  • Sexual harassment

Definitions for the reportable crimes are available at Reportable Crime Definitions.

What if a person threatens to commit a crime/incident e.g. threatens to assault someone?

Report all threats, in the same manner you would report an actual crime/incident.

I might not have all the information about an incident, how do I know if it is a crime for reporting purposes?

If you believe the information about the incident was provided to you in good faith, then complete the Public Incident Reporting Form or contact University Police at (309) 438-8631. Try to include as much information as you know in the report. WHEN IN DOUBT – REPORT.

What if the information I have doesn’t make sense, the facts don’t add up, or I don’t believe the information is credible?

If you are unsure whether or not the information is credible, don’t try to investigate to determine if the crime took place. Try to provide as many key details as possible about the incident in your report such as: who, what, where, when and how. An Illinois State University Police representative and/or University staff member may follow-up to ask for additional information.

If someone tells me about a fight that took place at a fraternity over the weekend, do I have to report?

If you have reasonable belief that a reportable offense (e.g. assault) took place, then you should report.


If a student tells me something in confidence, am I required to report the incident?

Yes, federal law requires the University to act if a Responsible Employee receives information about a reportable crime/incident. For that reason, REs must report the information by completing a Public Incident Form or by contacting University Police at 309-438-8631. The information will then be forwarded to the appropriate University Office.

If the information relates to suspected child abuse or neglect, you must contact the DCFS Hotline: 1-800-25-ABUSE.

Please do not promise an individual confidentiality. It is best to let them know that you want to assist them and will provide them appropriate contacts but that you cannot keep the information confidential. Please see the Quick Reference Guide.

If a student tells me something in confidence, can I omit the student’s name or other identifying details from the Public Incident Form?

No, as an RE, you are required to report the crime/incident. If the student requires additional resources or attention, please refer the student to Student Counseling Services, Sexual Assault Survivor and Prevention Services, or other resources. A list of helpful resources can be found in the Quick Reference Guide.

Will private information submitted on a Public Incident Report Form be made available to the public?

No. RE reports will be provided to University police or other University officials as required by law. The University is required to make information about Clery reportable crimes available in the Crime Log. However, no personally identifying information will be made available in these reports.

Sexual Harassment & Sexual Violence:

Do I have to report sexual violence?

Yes, if you are an RE you are required to report instances of sexual violence including: sexual harassment, sexual misconduct, rape, relationship violence, or other sexual assault or abuse using the Public Incident Reporting Form or by contacting University Police at (309) 438-8631.

Do I have to contact the DCFS Hotline if a minor (e.g. 17-year old student) indicates he or she was sexually assaulted?

The Abused and Neglected Child Reporting Act defines sexual abuse to include: sexual penetration, molestation, or exploitation of a minor child by a person responsible for the child’s welfare e.g. parent, teacher, etc. If a child has been assaulted by a person responsible for their welfare, the incident should be reported immediately to DCFS. Otherwise, contact 911 or the police as soon as possible. If you have questions whether a DCFS report should be made, contact University Police immediately.

What is the difference between sexual harassment and sexual assault?

Sexual assault is a type of sexual harassment.

What happens after I file a report of a sexual assault or sexual harassment?

The University will review the report, provide the student with support, and determine if further action is necessary. Resources describing this process are available at the Office of Equal Opportunity, Ethics, and Access website.

If a student tells me he or she was assaulted over the weekend, what do I do?

As a first step, please make the student aware of services available through the Sexual Assault Prevention and Survivor Services program in Student Counseling Services, then complete the Public Incident Report Form or contact University Police at (309) 438-8631. Try to include as much information as you know in the report. WHEN IN DOUBT – REPORT.

Sexual harassment is not a crime, right? Do I have to report sexual harassment?

Sexual Harassment is not always a crime, but it may be and you are still required to report both crimes and incidents of potential sexual harassment. University Policy defines sexual harassment as any uninvited and unwelcome physical, verbal, or non-verbal behavior of a sexual nature so severe or pervasive that it creates an intimidating or hostile educational or work environment. Sexual harassment includes, but is not limited to, sexual advances, repeated date requests, sexual gestures, sexual cartoons or images, and discussions about sexual activity, sexual assault, sexual violence, and relationship violence.

Sexual harassment should be reported by completing a Public Incident Report Form or by contacting University Police at (309) 438-8631.

What do I do if I’ve been sexually assaulted?

Report the assault and reach out for support and assistance.

  • Report the assault.Reporting can aid your recovery and prevent others from being assaulted.
  • Try to preserve all physical evidence. Do no bathe, shower, use the toilet or change clothing. If you must remove your clothing, place them in a paper bag to prevent deterioration of evidence.
  • Take care of yourself; seek medical attention from a hospital or another health care provider. Know that the rape evidence collection exam (rape kit) can only be done at a hospital, not at Student Health Services or any doctor’s office. A rape crisis advocate can be called to help you through this process. Medical care and follow up care are needed whether or not you report the assault.

Recourses for staff and students can be found on the Quick Reference Guide.

Underage Drinking/Alcohol Offenses

If I witness or am made aware that a 17-year old engaged or is engaging in underage drinking, do I need to call the DCFS Hotline?

No. The Abused and Neglected Child Reporting Act requires mandated reporters to file a report when there is reasonable cause to suspect child abuse of a child known to the reporter in an official capacity. The law defines physical abuse to include selling, transferring or distributing controlled substances (e.g. illegal drugs) to a minor under 18 years of age.

If I witness or am made aware of underage drinking (21 & under) or drug use on campus, do I need to file a Public Incident Report Form or call University Police at (309) 438-8631?

Responsible Employees must file a Public Incident Report Form for a liquor or drug law violation that he/she has a reasonable belief would result in an arrest.


If I see someone (not a police officer) with a weapon (gun, knife, other) on campus, what do I do?

Dial 911 or contact University Police immediately.

Reporting Minor Crimes

Do I have to report all crimes I witness, like littering, shop-lifting or traffic violations?

Not necessarily.

  • If any University employee witnesses or is aware of a crime that may constitute suspected child abuse (physical or sexual) or the neglect of a minor you encounter in an official or professional capacity, you must call the DCFS Hotline: 1-800-25-ABUSE and notify University Police.
  • If an RE witnesses or receives information regarding a reportable crime/incident, a report must be filed.

Older Crimes

If someone tells me about a crime, such as a sexual assault or abuse that was committed many years ago, am I required to report it?

If you believe the crime is a reportable offense, you should still report the crime to University Police. The Police can determine if the information requires follow up. It is also helpful to provide the individual with resources available.



If I learn about a crime that took place off campus, do I need to report it to University Police?

If you learn of a crime that took place off-campus and it involves a student or University-sponsored activity, you should report it, particularly if the crime is sexual assault or relationship violence.

What if the individuals involved in the incident are from Normal, Bloomington, or another campus?

If you learn of a crime that took place off-campus and it involves a student or University-sponsored activity, you should report it, particularly if the crime is sexual assault or relationship violence. The University may not be able to act directly when non-University individuals are involved, however the University can refer information to another university or local law authorities.


Where can I find additional resources?

A list of additional resources for students, faculty and staff is available at the Campus Safety & Security website.

Where can I find resources regarding reporting suspected child abuse or neglect?

DCFS maintains a website for mandated child abuse reporters at The website contains resources for mandated reporters, and additional information about what constitutes suspected child abuse or neglect.

If you have additional questions, please call or e-mail University Police at (309) 438-8631 or A University representative will respond to your question as soon as possible. Please do not use the e-mail address for emergencies, dial 911.

When in doubt, Report! Do not delay reporting if you are unsure.