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Relationship Violence/Stalking

Illinois State University does not condone violence or incivility against others. Since your well-being and safety is a priority it is vital to convey the concerns associated with high risk alcohol use and potential sexual victimization, the qualities of healthy relationships, violence prevention and safety strategies, and the support that is available on the Illinois State campus as well as in the surrounding community. We aim to provide the finest education and college experience in a safe, respectful, environment that supports your well-being at all levels. It takes all of us to create a caring community that respects all of its members.

Redbird Respect: Create a Caring Community with Bystander Training

Have you ever been in a situation where you wanted to help someone, but you didn't? You may have experienced the bystander effect. The bystander effect is the paradox in which the great the number of people around in a crisis or risky situation, the less likely anyone will actually intervene and help.

What prevents us from helping is complicated. There are five steps we need to take.

  1. Notice something is happening. Be present and aware of your surroundings.
  2. Find out what is going on. If something seems suspicious, it probably is.
  3. ake responsibility for dealing with the situation. Call the police, yell for help – do something.
  4. Know how to help. If you aren't sure what to do, find someone who does such as the police or someone in charge.
  5. Decide to help – step up! You may save someone's life or prevent an assault.

Bystander intervention training is available for student groups and organizations as well as faculty and staff. Bystander training teaches strategies and techniques to intervene directly or indirectly in both emergency and non-emergency situations. The training also helps participants develop the skills and confidence to safely help others. To schedule, contact Health Promotion and Wellness by email or call Kerri at (309) 438-7273.

Violence Prevention

In response to changes in Title IX and the federal requirements for universities as prescribed by the Campus SaVE Act, all Illinois State University students, staff, and faculty, will be required to complete training addressing the issues associated with sexual consent, sexual assault, domestic and dating violence, and stalking. The student training course is Consent and Respect. For new incoming students and transfer students the course is included in Alcohol Wise which is offered at the beginning of August each year. For returning (not new) students Consent and Respect will be offered in September each year and will be preceeded by a letter from the Vice President for Student Affairs. For staff and faculty this training is included in the Annual Crime Reporting training held in October each year.