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Crime Advisories (Timely Warning)

Crime advisories, or timely warnings, can be issued for threats to property or persons on or near campus. It is irrelevant whether the victims or perpetrators are members of the campus community. Crime advisories are sent via e-mail to all Illinois State students, faculty, and staff and are posted on the Illinois State University Police Department website. In addition to a general summary of the crime, crime prevention tips are included with each crime advisory.

Crime advisories are issued on a case by case basis and the decision to issue may include factors such as the nature of the crime, the continuing danger to the community, and the possible risk of compromising law enforcement efforts.

Alert Heirarchy

  • Community Update → Police Social Media

    Awareness of nearby incidents

  • Crime Advisory → Safe Redbirds, Email, Police Social Media, Police Website

    Significant crime/no immediate threat

  • Emergency Alert → Text Message, Safe Redbirds, Email, Social Media, Website

    Immediate threat/take action

Legal Compliance

The crime advisories are issued in compliance with the "Timely Notice" provisions of the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act, a federal statute governing the reporting and disclosure of crimes on all college campuses.

The law requires all higher education institutions to:

  • Make timely warnings of Clery Act crimes that represent an on-going threat to the safety of students and employees and warn of possible dangerous conditions on or near the campus
  • Maintain a public crime log
  • Disclose campus security policies, procedures, and programs
  • Collect, count, and classify crime data
  • Submit annually, crime statistics to the Department of Education
  • Prepare and disseminate the annual security report

ISU Emergency Alert

The crime advisories differ from the ISU Emergency Alert in the immediacy of action. Illinois State University will only issue an ISU Emergency Alert to notify members of the University community of a significant emergency or dangerous situation involving an immediate threat to the health or safety of the campus community. Examples include:

  • Tornado Warnings
  • Structural Damage
  • Hazardous Material Incidents
  • Active Shooter
  • Explosion
  • Person with a Weapon
  • Hostage Situations

The Emergency Alert may also be used for other incidents when immediate action must be taken (such as a bomb threat, riot, etc.). Students can voluntarily sign up for the ISU Emergency Alerts via My Illinois State and are strongly encouraged to do so.